Harel Shein (harel.shein@gmail.com)
2024-01-02 11:00:10

@Harel Shein has joined the channel

Harel Shein (harel.shein@gmail.com)
2024-01-02 11:00:27


} Sheeri Cabral (https://openlineage.slack.com/team/U0323HG8C8H)
👀 Maciej Obuchowski
Kavitha (kkandaswamy@cardinalcommerce.com)
2024-01-03 12:46:59

*Thread Reply:* @Sheeri Cabral (Collibra), is this a remote position?

Kavitha (kkandaswamy@cardinalcommerce.com)
2024-01-02 11:34:12

@Kavitha has joined the channel

Maciej Obuchowski (maciej.obuchowski@getindata.com)
2024-01-02 11:59:08

@Maciej Obuchowski has joined the channel

Mattia Bertorello (mattia.bertorello@booking.com)
2024-01-02 12:24:20

@Mattia Bertorello has joined the channel

Laurent Paris (laurent@datakin.com)
2024-01-02 17:56:17

@Laurent Paris has joined the channel

Shahid Shaikh (ssshahidwin@gmail.com)
2024-01-02 18:59:50

@Shahid Shaikh has joined the channel

Rodrigo Maia (rodrigo.maia@manta.io)
2024-01-03 03:43:48

@Rodrigo Maia has joined the channel

Paweł Leszczyński (pawel.leszczynski@getindata.com)
2024-01-03 05:00:11

@Paweł Leszczyński has joined the channel

Michael Robinson (michael.robinson@astronomer.io)
2024-01-19 12:59:30

@Michael Robinson has joined the channel

jayant joshi (itsjayantjoshi@gmail.com)
2024-01-24 01:10:25

@jayant joshi has joined the channel

Ewan Lord (ewanlord@gmail.com)
2024-01-31 05:28:42

@Ewan Lord has joined the channel

Michael Robinson (michael.robinson@astronomer.io)
2024-02-08 09:52:58

There are two openings at Collibra: https://openlineage.slack.com/archives/C01CK9T7HKR/p1707402341155039

} Sheeri Cabral (https://openlineage.slack.com/team/U0323HG8C8H)
Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) (sheeri.cabral@collibra.com)
2024-02-08 10:00:37

@Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) has joined the channel

Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) (sheeri.cabral@collibra.com)
2024-02-08 10:02:10

(this is in addition to 2 positions in our Data Office - using Airflow among other tools. See https://www.collibra.com/us/en/company/careers#find-jobs for all the listings. They’re all in Czech Republic for now, unfortunately. We have to look for 6 months in Czech Republic before we are allowed to open it up to other places)

Suraj Gupta (suraj.gupta@atlan.com)
2024-02-08 11:08:50

@Suraj Gupta has joined the channel

Matthew Paras (matthewparas2020@u.northwestern.edu)
2024-02-08 15:28:33

@Matthew Paras has joined the channel