Michael Robinson (michael.robinson@astronomer.io)
2023-04-28 12:49:23

@Michael Robinson has joined the channel

โœ… Sheeri Cabral (Collibra)
Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) (sheeri.cabral@collibra.com)
2023-04-28 12:49:45

@Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) has joined the channel

Harel Shein (harel.shein@gmail.com)
2023-04-28 12:49:45

@Harel Shein has joined the channel

Michael Robinson (michael.robinson@astronomer.io)
2023-04-28 12:51:20
Viraj Parekh (vmpvmp94@gmail.com)
2023-04-28 12:51:49

@Viraj Parekh has joined the channel

Eric Veleker (eric@atlan.com)
2023-05-02 15:16:45

@Eric Veleker has joined the channel

Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) (sheeri.cabral@collibra.com)
2023-05-09 11:07:39

Iโ€™m courting 2 orgs that would give us free space in Boston ๐Ÿ˜„

Michael Robinson (michael.robinson@astronomer.io)
2023-05-09 12:01:54

Sweet! Thank you. Please let me know if/how I can help

โœ… Sheeri Cabral (Collibra)
Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) (sheeri.cabral@collibra.com)
2023-05-24 11:04:42

Iโ€™m having no luck getting a venue, should we try CIC Boston?

[11:04 AM] Itโ€™s a short walk from South Station (train terminal) and close to the airport too

Yuanli Wang (yuanliw@bu.edu)
2023-05-25 20:33:32

@Yuanli Wang has joined the channel

Nam Nguyen (nam@astrafy.io)
2023-07-14 05:37:43

@Nam Nguyen has joined the channel

Michael Robinson (michael.robinson@astronomer.io)
2024-02-12 10:46:23

Hi everyone, it looks like we're finally going to hold our first Boston meetup! Please reserve the evening of March 19th. Thanks @Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) for finding space: we'll be meeting at Microsoft New England. Keep an eye out for a meetup page, etc., and let me or Sheeri know if you'd like to speak.

๐ŸŽ‰ Harel Shein, Sheeri Cabral (Collibra)
Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) (sheeri.cabral@collibra.com)
2024-02-13 12:54:09

Hereโ€™s the meetup link to RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/boston-data-lineage-meetup-group/events/298893366/

Sheeri Cabral (Collibra) (sheeri.cabral@collibra.com)
2024-02-28 13:18:52

Is there a linkedin post about the Boston meetup I can share? or should i make one?

Michael Robinson (michael.robinson@astronomer.io)
2024-02-28 15:04:49

Feel free to make one! There isn't one yet

โœ… Sheeri Cabral (Collibra)
Rajesh (rajesh.kaveti@bnymellon.com)
2024-03-21 07:57:18

@Rajesh has joined the channel

Rajesh (rajesh.kaveti@bnymellon.com)
2024-03-21 07:57:42

New to Boston Meetup - Hello all